Thursday, 7 March 2013

Steps Involved in Implementation of TPM Solution Supported by BizTalk Server

When Microsoft BizTalk server 201 0 was launched, it initiated the novel postulates for Trading Partner Management (TPM) like Partner profiles & Agreements. This allowed us to specify the trading partners associated with the B2B processing as Parties in BizTalk with a different business profile created for each party. For this purpose, Separate Agreements may well be framed for various set of rules for instance AS2, EDI(X12/EDIFACT)/ between two separate parties. Simply put, AS2 is the communication protocol and EDIFACT, X12 are the messaging protocols.
Now, we are familiar with the basic terms like Business Profile, Parties, Agreement, Communication Protocol AS2 and Message Protocols (EDIFACT, X12). Now let us see the whole process of building and organizing a basic TPM solution between 2 trading partners. 
First step it to choose the message protocol. After this, you need to settle on and make a list of the documents and transactions between both the parties. The schemas of biztalkserver health check services are compatible with almost all types of transactions. Then, you need to select between the two layouts of transactions, either XML or Edi. This decision will contribute to making a choice for the right Pipeline in the ports. The default pipelines that come with the b2b & edi messaging services processing are AS2Send/AS2EdiSend for XML and AS2Receive/AS2EdiReceive for EDI format of transactions. In the next stage, you need to define the rules for mapping for the EDI transactions. The generation of the required EDI message is possible with the proper execution of this step. Afterwards, you need to create and configure TPM. In this stage, individual Business Profiles as well as separate Agreements are created for separate parties. Lastly, you can deploy the BizTalk infrastructure as desired for the overall process. 

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