Friday, 5 July 2013

Main Concepts Related With BizTalk Messaging

BizTalk messaging service serves as the key part within the Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) platform. This is for the reason that it enables the communication between internal systems of BizTalk Server in the business organization as well as the external components. The most significant business body in BizTalk Server is the Messaging. BizTalk messaging services approach the "pub/sub" pattern as the exchange design pattern. This basically implies that the message received in the Message box, which is the central part of the messaging subsystem and is in charge of keeping a record of all of the message instances, is broadcasted so that the endpoints, that is, the send ports and orchestrations corresponding with the message subscriptions can employ it.
An underlying schema is attached to every message that performs the function of defining its structure. This schema used in the BizTalk server infrastructure is detailed by means of XML schemas (XSD files). In addition each message contains a metadata related with it known as the message context and each individual piece is stored in key/value format known as the context properties. By using the property schema, such message context properties are defined. This property schema is in relation to the schema of the message. These message context properties identify the subscriptions and are the core method put to use for analyzing which endpoint-send port or orchestration has a related valid subscription.
After the schema of the message is created, the message context properties are used for routing the messages through BizTalk Messaging Engine. For this a custom property schema is required to be created for defining these context properties. With the purpose of promoting a property within Biztalk Server, there are two options available. First one the manual promotion and the other one is the quick promotion. 

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